kene tag...
a) Sek.Ren. Keb. Jln Kuantan 1, Kuala Lumpur (1982 - 1987)
b) Sek.Men.Puteri Titiwangsa, Jln Temerloh, Kuala Lumpur (1988)
c) Sek.Men.Abd Jalil, bt 14 Hulu Langat Selangor (1988 - 1990)
d) MRSM Kuantan, Pahang(1991 - 1992)
[B] Was I the studious nerd, or the last minute hero?
My frens said that I was the ‘ulat buku’ type (but it was only during my secondary school) hehehehe lepas tuh kat U hahah jenis yg last minute la plak.... kekeke
[C] Was I the class 'taiko’ (don't-care-macho-attitude is what I presume it would mean in English) or the teacher's pet?
I am both! hahahahaha
[D] What was the biggest rule I broke in school?
Hmmm… takde…
[E] Three subjects I enjoyed :
1. Agama Islam (kat MRSM ustaznya best heheh Ustaz Ibrahim, Ustaz Zawawi and Ustaz Abdullah)
2. Maths (sbb tak payah hafal byk2 sgt hahah)
3. Kimia (sbb Cikgu Zamri bestt!)
[F] Three teachers that inspired me :
1. Cikgu Rosmah (my standard 1 class teacher) – she’s cute hahahahaha..I wonder how is she now.. :P
2. Cikgu Saamah (standard 3) – she had so much passion in teaching. During that time my ambition was to be a teacher :)..
3. My MRSM Pengetua.. I cant remember his name aiyakssss…… arghhhh lupa la plak.. adehhhh.. he is the first pengetua yang “student friendly” . u can just walk in to his office and share ur problems at anytime! Dia mmg pendengar yg baik..and suka motivate kami..
[G] I should tag :
Ina a.k.a delinn,MR, Zira a.k.a Kopi Suam, Kak Lady, Kak Syikin, Kak Wani, IV, Kak Sya, Uda, Jamri, Zino,Kimie, Gitar Tong, black Purple, Marlina Bahrom, Kasut Vincci,Ana lara dan CT adikku serta Yatie sepupuku
Ikut2 calculation you are my junior setahun. Means 1991 we were at the same MRSM. Time nie saya belum GLAMER lagik. Homeroom tak ingat but I was the president of WTF Tae Kwan Do year 1991. Ramai gak baik dgn junior2 tapi semua dah loose contact.
BTW ada pic Ayu kat mana2 disini?
kak syikin : so jgn lupa ek kak :)
Tak ingat nama2 junior yg lain cuma dulu ada 'pet sis' nama dia ASMA.
Dulu misai baru tumbuh...pas tuh rambut 'remos' takde kesian. Kalau ada kesempatan gambar MRSM di'digital'kan abe akan tunjuk.
Zirap : weiii sabaq ja la ko nih hehehe
saya rupanya satu batch dgn siti, wife saya pun sama...Nurul Ashikin Muhammad Musa, orang panggil Ucu...kelas G......saya pulak kelas I,....tinggi2, muka mcm budak Cina, main badminton, LDP, awek2 MRSM Kuantan yang saya tackle ...Kakak Tingkatan 5 Noreen Husin, Rozida Rashid.....dua2 reject saya, tapi memang jodoh saya dengan Ucu...