You've Got A Friend

Khas buat sahabat blogger sekelian dan juga especially for my bestfriend Ina, lirik lagu ini aku tujukan buat semua ya.. semoga persahabatan yang terjalin ini akan berkekalan hingga ke akhirat kelak.. aminnn...

When you're down and troubled
And you need some loving care
And nothing, nothing is going right
Close your eyes and think of me
And soon I will be there
To brighten up even your darkest night

You just call out my name
And you know wherever I am
I'll come running to see you again
Winter, spring, summer or fall
All you have to do is call
And I'll be there
You've got a friend

If the sky above you
Grows dark and full of clouds
And that old north wind begins to blow
Keep your head together
And call my name out loud
Soon you'll hear me knocking at your door

Ain't it good to know that you've got a friend
When people can be so cold
They'll hurt you, and desert you
And take your soul if you let them
Oh, but don't you let them
(Lyrics and Music by Carole King)
p/s : agak busy so tak sempat nak tulis panjang2. nanti bila dah free aku tulis lagi. ok.. happy working..


Puteri Satu said…
askum..salam perkenalan ayu... harap kita boleh berkawan juga ya..
Angah said…
macam nostalgia plak rasanya entry nih..
Ayu Mohamad said…
puterisatu : salam perkenalan untuk anda juga :)

angah : hehehe ko rendu cik abg tuh hehehehehe
ontahsapo said…
utk aku jugak ker..?
Ayu Mohamad said…
OS : ye ye utk ko jugak :)
Alinlai said…
mari kita menyanyi :) 1,2, 3....

WRA said…
thank you...thank you....for being a friend hehehehe
kasutVINCCI said…
Ayu Mohamad said…
alin : hehehe nyanyi jgn tak nyanyi

Kak Wan : same here!

KV : toche juga

Moon : ya ya betul tu mooon!
Sherin de Souza said…
Thank you Ayu. I like the song.
Take care ye.
Sastri said…
sweetnyerrrr.... :)
Anonymous said…
mari ramaikan kawan.. muashhh utk sis!
Kiah Kardashian said…
kak ayu apsal saya panggil nama kak ayu kuat kuat tak ketuk pintu rumah saya pun.

Uwaaa!! lagu ni bukan untuk saya kerrrrrrrrr?
Shami said…
macam mana bunyik lagu nih...aa....akak lembab betul bab lagu...dengar hujung2 jer..tak tau aperr citer...tak pernah bagi tumpuan...cuma 1, 2 jer melekat kat hati..he..he tu pun tak leh hafal lirik...nyanyi ikut sedap mulut jer...he..he terima kasih, bagi lagu kat kami kawan2 blogger...
Ayu Mohamad said…
Sherin : u r always welcome.. u too take care.

Sastri : hehehe TQ.. untuk awak tuh :)

Ledi : ya betul.. amacam tempat baru? ada best ka?

Zakiah : tuh laaa smlm akak ade dengar tuh tapi sayup2 jerrrr... haaaaa tak pangge dengan sepenuh hati nih hehehe.. mesti pangge saje2 nak tgk akak dtg ke tak kann kannn kannn hehehe sebab tu tak jadi hahahahahaha

Kak Shami : melodynya tuh akak buat je la ikut yg akak suka hehehe yg penting nya ialah the lyrics tu kan kan kan.. sy bg khas untuk semua..

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