Missing someone...

I Miss You

Though you are not here
wherever I go or
whatever I do
I see your face in my mind
and I miss you so

I miss telling you everything
I miss showing you things
I miss our eyes secretly
giving each other confidence
I miss your touch
I miss our excitement together
I miss everything we share

I don't like missing you
It is a very cold and lonely feeling
I wish that I could be with you right now
where the warmth of our love
would melt the winter snows
But since I can't be with you right now
I will have to be content
just dreaming about
when we'll be together again

-Poem by Susan Polis Schutz


pB said…
salam AYU

feeling habis poem nie ..

sayu jer bila baca
Kaktiny said…
penah rasa peritnyer 'missing someone'... hihihihi
Alinlai said…
miss u too :) [tetiba je.... ke ke ke], tak pe rindu-rinduan bila jumpa mesti seronok
Ayu Mohamad said…
Kak pB : itu laaaa saya rindu kat 2 org nih hahaha aci dak?

Tiny : itu le pasalnyaaa....

Alin : heheh yaaa I miss u laaa :) hmm seronok la jugak kekekekekeke
RaFFLeSiA MeRaH said…
huhuhu...syahdu ader, sebak pun ader....
uranus said…
puisi hasil nukilan penyair yang hebat..:)
Ayu Mohamad said…
RM : hehhe gitu leeee

fahmi : hahaha amik sape punya entah leee kekekekekeke
KakNi said…
Sentimental nya...
ita.itu said…
i miss u too babe...muahh
Anonymous said…
Wei ayu...

Engko kan dah beli ticket ke Lumut kannn ari Jemahat...

Kena tuka tajuk tu... "I am comming to get U" wkakakakakka

Ketua Bahagian
Vini2 Ahskar...
CikguZue said…
miss kat sapa tu?

miss kat kami ke, kat cik abang? kadang kerinduan itu menyerlahkan rasa sayang...
Ayu Mohamad said…
kak Akuni : kalo ikut suami saya hehehe dia kata saya ni gembeng :P

ita : tenkiuuuu :)

limah : aiyoooo tu tajuk entry besok leeee adehhhh kene le aku tuko tajuk mcm ni dah pecah rahsia dah :P
Ayu Mohamad said…
Cikgu : hehehehehe.. kat kawan2 blog pon boleh juga :)
hmmm memang sayang ponnn.... sayang sangattttt
aNIe said…
Salam ayu...sedang merindu cik abang lah ni ye...
zino said…
tak pe hujung minggu pegi lah sana dokek yo hehe
kad0k. said…
alah ayu..arini dah jumaat...:p
Ayu Mohamad said…
Kak lady : hehehehehehe

Bro Zino : baikkkkkkkk

Kadok : yee laaa dah Jumaat dah ni :)

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